Monday, May 25, 2020

Home-based: Understand Element of Art - CONTRAST

This image is in reference to a
Singapore Stamp design on traditional Dance

To me, Contrast has always been one of the more challenging Element of Art to convey. It is the application of opposite elements for effect. In this example, I use lines (transformed into patterns) and solid segment.  

Contrast can be achieved using Colours - Light vs Dark, Scale - Big vs Small and even Texture - Smooth vs Rough. 

The following is a sequence shares one way to reach a basic composition with Contrast

Monday, May 11, 2020

Home-based: Apply Negative spaces

Negative spaces is the empty spaces around a subject. It is also the space in between subjects or objects. 

Often, we regard positive spaces as the places the subject is coloured in. In the example, above, the line-drawing (one the left) has more negative spaces than the one with filled leaves (on the right). 

The examples below shares how we can repeat a similar idea in the background to shift a composition away from a clear "Yin-Yang" composition.  

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Home-based: Understand Texture

Texture or visual texture add details and interest to any composition. For this activity, we will use an Owl as the subject.

When I plan an visual-texture exercise for beginners, I tend to lean towards the alphabets or numbers to help me to kick start the exercise. This is because learners are so familiar with alphabets and numbers. All we have to do is adjust the scale or position

The examples are formed of X / B / V / O and I. What other alphabets or numbers can you try with???

Here are the steps to draw an owl with simple shapes and line